In memory
RagLegends Sinatra Blue Nakr
RagLegends Sinatra Blue Nakr
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You will forever be missed!
We would like to thank Sinatra's breeder, Ryan Fuller, for allowing us to have this little bundle.
Please everyone that reads this, kittens are very curious and love to find a warm place to crawl into. A dryer is unfortunatly a favorite spot for them. If anyone is visiting, please warn all house guests that prior to turning on the dryer, double check. Awful tragedies might be avoided.
Edward will continue to work on this page and rebuld it. Our website unfortunatly went down and we lost everything.
Additional Text will be added.
These are pictures Ryan took. The day we picked up Sinatra & Sinatra at about six weeks old.
From the moment we picked up this little guy, the ragdoll breed has lived up to everything that we had read.
This is Sinatra the first night we brought him home.